Relationship allows both companies to enhance fiber capabilities and best serve businesses throughout Northern New England
Albany, NY – March 18, 2014 – FirstLight Fiber, a facilities-based telecommunications service provider operating fiber optic networks in Upstate New York and Northern New England with connectivity to Canada, announced today its relationship with BayRing Communications, a New England-based Competitive Local Exchange Carrier (CLEC). BayRing has chosen FirstLight’s Metro Ethernet solutions to further extend its network reach, while FirstLight utilizes BayRing’s dark fiber network in specific areas to extend its reach. The companies are working together to enhance their respective capabilities within the regional markets they serve in order to better serve businesses throughout New England.
With several hundred miles of fiber optic network spanning Maine, New Hampshire and Massachusetts, BayRing’s network design has the capacity to handle large volumes of voice and data due to the redundancy of its self-healing fiber optics. FirstLight, with a network comprised of more than 190,000 fiber miles and 1,400 lit buildings, provides BayRing with Ethernet solutions designed to ensure maximum uptime and performance. BayRing utilizes FirstLight’s Ethernet service as a local loop alternative to allow its customers to easily gain high-speed access to Layer 2 Internet and IP VPN.
“FirstLight has been a proven partner in helping BayRing to maintain a strong, local presence by providing Ethernet circuits in areas that previously had not had many meaningful alternatives for high bandwidth local loops,” commented David Gibson, Director of Business Development at BayRing Communications. “Through our relationship with FirstLight, we gain access to their extensive fiber-based solutions throughout portions of Northern New England not currently lit with BayRing fiber, which allows us to provide a technologically superior product to our clients.”
With multiple classes of service (CoS), FirstLight’s Metro Ethernet service supports BayRing’s rigorous voice and data requirements, while offering the flexibility BayRing needs as their clients’ bandwidth requirements increase. FirstLight’s Layer 2 service is designed in accordance with Metro Ethernet Forum (MEF) standards, guaranteeing a high quality and reliable Ethernet service. FirstLight offers point-to-point, point-to-multipoint and multipoint-to-multipoint connections scalable up to 100 Gbps.
“BayRing operates a highly advanced network throughout New England, and its decision to align with FirstLight, allows BayRing to seamlessly support its customers regardless of where they are located,” stated Kurt Van Wagenen, President and CEO of FirstLight. “Together with BayRing, FirstLight looks forward to extending the high quality, fiber-based services that allow business in the Northeast to thrive in the digital age.”
To learn more about FirstLight, visit, or follow the Company on Twitter and LinkedIn.