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The Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) market is booming. WhaTech predicted that the IaaS market will rise to $56.05 billion by 2020, at an annual growth rate of 29%. This is a huge leap from the $15.79 billion figured in 2015. Market drivers include traditional benefits such as cost savings, reduced administrative burden, and increased scalability. However, the market has also been stimulated by the discovery of a new range of uses for IaaS.


In the past, IaaS was thought of as an alternative to an on-site data center for primary storage. Today companies are turning to IaaS for backup, disaster recovery, and application development.

Keeping Your Company Running

High availability is a key factor in maintaining an edge over your competitors. Any interruption to your ability to respond to and service  customers could potentially open the door for your rivals to steal clients away. High availability is especially challenging in this ‘always on’ world we live in – as customers use mobile devices to contact your company at any time and from anywhere.

IaaS can provide the backup and recovery capabilities your business needs to bounce back from outages quickly. Cloud infrastructure supplies space for off-site backup and failover. The right IaaS provider can sync your off-site data with your primary data center for rapid recovery times that minimize or eliminate loss of information.

In Case of Emergency

Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, and Maria are reminders of how widespread the devastation during a natural disaster can be. Harvey flooded huge portions of the Houston metropolitan area, destroying thousands of homes and businesses. If your company’s secondary site isn’t far enough away from your primary data center, it may also be disabled during a major disaster.

IaaS gives your business the benefit of geographical diversity for disaster recovery. The cloud infrastructure can provide redundancy and mirroring so data is restored quickly. As with most cloud services, you can easily scale to meet new backup needs as workloads change. Using IaaS for disaster recovery means your business can be up and running in hours instead of being crippled for days or even weeks after a disaster.

Speeding Applications to Market

IaaS does more than protect your data. It can also help you innovate. Developing and testing applications on-premises can be costly and time-consuming. A temporary environment that is separate from your production environment must be created and then disassembled once the application is completed.

IaaS makes this process quick and easy by allowing your DevOps team to scale up during the development process and then scale down when work is completed. Instead of spending time creating the DevOps environment, your team members can focus on coding applications.

An IaaS DevOps environment also enables your team to test applications using real-world situations. With IaaS, your team members won’t need to rush through development and testing. They can take their time eliminating bugs and other vulnerabilities while still getting the application out quickly.

Letting IaaS Take a Load Off

Using cloud infrastructure is about more than finding a scalable and cost-effective way to store data. IaaS takes a significant burden off your IT and DevOps staff by providing automation for backup, recovery, and building DevOps environments.

Automatic failover and recovery give you peace of mind in the event of an outage or disaster. With the right IaaS provider, intrusion detection and prevention give you the benefit of proactive data security without taking your staff’s focus away from the core business.

As a cloud provider, FirstLight offers IaaS with both the physical and virtual tools you need to protect your data. Low latency through our extensive fiber optic network guarantees high availability for your mission-critical data. Our cloud services include both backup and disaster recovery for a comprehensive approach to data protection and security.

Talk to one of our experts now and let FirstLight shine line on  the possibilities. Contact us now.