Businesses and other large organizations require consistent access to high-speed data connections in order to function effectively in today’s fast-paced environment. High-speed, fiber based Internet is a powerful tool that helps businesses run effectively in today’s global economy. A weak or slow Internet connection can undermine the efficiency of business applications, and negatively affect a company’s bottom line. FirstLight has been providing high quality Internet access since 1999. We stand by not only high connection speeds, but offer dedicated, symmetrical bandwidth delivered over our own fiber-based network. So you have access to a connection that scales over time as your business needs change and delivers the high level of performance you require.
According to a Pew Research Center study, only 7% of working adults feel their productivity has dropped as a result of the Internet, email, cell phones and other tools, while 46% feel more productive. What this study shows is that lacking access to reliable, high quality broadband is truly an impediment to productivity. A slow or inconsistent Internet connection may compromise your ability to finish important projects on time, as well as make the entire prospect of telecommuting impossible, which makes reliability and high performance critical components for broadband access. To ensure high uptime and optimal performance, FirstLight’s IP network employs redundant equipment, connections, and power supplies and the network is engineered to ensure low latency performance with hundreds of private peering points in region so your data doesn’t needlessly travel around the globe.
While most businesses have connected all of their computers within their walls – creating an efficient Local Area Network (LAN), there is a clear need for more enterprise-wide networks to interconnect all of their buildings, as well as enabling secure connectivity to their suppliers. It is frustrating to have instant access to the information you need to do your job inside the office but to end that free flow of information outside of those four walls. Compounding this is businesses’ increasing use of cloud computing. You don’t want to be stuck in the slow lane trying to remotely access your business applications. High-speed data connections allow all departments and groups, regardless of physical location, to share information in real time. As more and more meetings become “virtual” and companies increasing rely on the cloud, high-speed connections must allow for its employees’ efficiency to be maximized at all times of day.
Learn more about FirstLight’s Internet services.